•  If you can – pack a clean pair of underwear and spare clothes in your carry-on luggage. This will be helpful if your luggage goes missing.
  •  Make sure you make copies of all your travel documents (itinerary, travel insurance, passport, etc). Leave them with a trusted person.
  •  Bring spare reading glasses. If you break or lose a pair, it can be hard to find good quality prescription glasses whilst on holiday.
  •  Weigh your bag before you leave so make sure you don’t go over the weight restrictions.
  •  Roll your clothes instead of folding them. This will help prevent wrinkled clothes when you get to your destination.
Handy Packing Tips - travelinsurance.com.au
  • Carry your jacket on the plane, even if you don’t plan on wearing it. This will save room in your suitcase.
  •  Make a checklist of everything you need to take and mark it all off before you leave home for the airport.
  •  Try packing a hanging shoe bag. They are light and can easily be hung up in your hotel room. You can use the different sections for things like jewellery, sunscreen, sunglasses, travel documents, etc.
  •  Put liquids in a tight zip lock bag. The last thing you want is clothing or other personal items damaged by leaking mouthwash or a busted tube of moisturiser.
  •  Ball up your socks and underwear and put them inside your shoes to save room.
  •  Unless you’re going to a remote area with no shops, remember you can purchase your toiletries there. So if you’re struggling for space, consider the option of packing less of the things you can buy relatively cheap at your destination.
  •  If you take medication, ensure you have enough to last you the duration of the trip. Also remember, if your travels are delayed, you may need to take extra. Ensure you follow the rules and regulations regarding carrying particular medications to a different country.
  •  Take copies of your script with you and keep the medication in its box with your name printed on it.
  •  Bring a notebook and pen / pencil. This way you can write down reminders and suggestions from locals (ie: restaurants) and notes about your travel.
  •  Most importantly – don’t forget to pack your sense of adventure!