The 46 Pre Existing Medical Conditions We Automatically Cover You For

Firstly, this is how we define a pre-existing condition:

Is, in the 12 months before buying the policy:

Condition TypeDefinition
Awareness of condition or symptomsA medical or dental condition (or its complications) that you’re aware of, or symptoms you’re aware of
Investigated or treatedA condition that is currently being or has been investigated or treated by a medical practitioner
Prescribed medicationAny condition for which you’ve been prescribed medication
SurgeryAny condition for which you’ve had surgery
Specialist visitsAny condition for which you’ve seen a medical specialist

This definition applies to you, your travelling party, a close relative, or any other person named on the Certificate of Insurance

We automatically include cover for specific pre-existing medical conditions (listed below), subject to the following:
• you’ve not been hospitalised for the condition in the past 24 months, and;
• your medications for the condition have remained unchanged for the past 6 months.

The following medical conditions are automatically covered under this policy.

ConditionCoverage Condition
AcneAutomatically covered
Allergies (rhinitis, sinusitis, eczema, etc)Limited to rhinitis, chronic sinusitis, eczema, food intolerance, hay fever
AnxietyNo med changes in 12 months, no depression diagnosed in 3 years, no pending psych appointments, no past travel interruptions due to anxiety
AsthmaNo other lung disease, under 60 years old
• Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)Automatically covered
Bell’s PalsyAutomatically covered
BPPV (Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo)Automatically covered
BunionsAutomatically covered
Carpal Tunnel SyndromeAutomatically covered
CataractsAutomatically covered
Coeliac DiseaseAutomatically covered
Congenital BlindnessAutomatically covered
Congenital DeafnessAutomatically covered
DepressionNo med changes in 12 months, no hospitalisation in last 2 years no pending psych appointments, no past travel interruptions due to depression
Diabetes Mellitus (Type I)Diagnosed over 12 months ago, no complications (eye, kidney, nerve, vascular), no cardiovascular disease, hypertension, lipids, under 60 at policy purchase
Diabetes Mellitus (Type II)Diagnosed over 12 months ago, no complications (eye, kidney, nerve, vascular), no cardiovascular disease, hypertension, lipids, under 60 at policy purchase
Dry Eye Syndrome Automatically covered
Epilepsy No med changes in past 12 months
Folate Deficiency Automatically covered
Gastric Reflux Automatically covered
Goitre Automatically covered
Glaucoma Automatically covered
Graves’ Disease Automatically covered
Hiatus Hernia Automatically covered
Hypercholesterolaemia (High Cholesterol)Only if no cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes
Hyperlipidaemia (High Blood Lipids)Only if no cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)Only if no cardiovascular disease and/or diabetes
Hypothyroidism (incl. Hashimoto's)Automatically covered
Impaired Glucose ToleranceAutomatically covered
IncontinenceAutomatically covered
Insulin Resistance Automatically covered
Iron Deficiency AnaemiaAutomatically covered
Macular DegenerationAutomatically covered
Meniere’s Disease Automatically covered
Migraine Automatically covered
Nocturnal Cramps Automatically covered
Osteopenia Automatically covered
OsteoporosisAutomatically covered
Pernicious Anaemia Automatically covered
Plantar Fasciitis Automatically covered
Raynaud’s Disease Automatically covered
Sleep Apnoea Automatically covered
Solar Keratosis Automatically covered
Trigeminal Neuralgia Automatically covered
Trigger Finger Automatically covered
Vitamin B12 Deficiency Automatically covered

If you do not see the medical condition listed here, it is NOT covered. We won’t pay for any claims where that medical condition is a contributing factor.